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BlogPhysical HealthDental CareDental Care and Hygiene for Kids
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Dental Care and Hygiene for Kids

Date: July 11, 2024
Author:Dr. Jad Nasr, Pediatric Dentist

Many parents consider cavities on baby teeth unimportant since they’ll be lost anyway. In fact this is wrong. Dental decay on baby teeth can negatively affect permanent teeth development and alter the overall well-being of your child. 

So how do you take care of your child’s teeth?

Implementing a dental care routine that includes daily brushing and flossing is essential to maintaining healthy oral hygiene - this is what we call “dental home”. Completing such a  routine could be a hassle, especially at a very young age. Some suggestions to motivate your child are: create a brushing teeth routine where you both brush your teeth at the same time, buy toothbrushes that have their favorite cartoon character and choose the favorite toothpaste flavor your child may enjoy. 

On the other hand, plan a routine dental checkup (every 6 months or less). Visiting the pediatric dentist from a young age will facilitate your child’s cooperation during preventive and curative treatments such as fluoride or sealant application, dental x-rays, fillings or even extractions if needed.

What information do you need to equip yourself with to get your kid’s cooperation and maintain healthy baby teeth?

Here are some tips and tricks:

1 . Be a good role model

As parents, we are a mirror to our children, and our daily habits become their daily routines too.

2. Search for Attractive Brushes and Toothpaste

Searching for brushes that have well-known youngsters' characters on them and toothpaste that have their favorite superhero/princess are equally exciting to them. 

3. Use Stories to Teach Them About Oral Hygiene

Pictures, images, and videos can be a hundred times more meaningful to them than words. Reading informational books or watching animated movies that tell teeth stories could help to introduce them to dental care.

4. Watch Your Child's Diet

Diet, diet, and diet!!! The secret weapon for healthy teeth and gum. Keep in mind: one snack per day after lunch, avoid sticky candy, and fruits are the healthy alternative. PS: no sodas, half a cup of natural juice per day and plenty of water. 

Remember, healthy meals are made out of vegetables, proteins, and calcium. 

Holding sweet food sources within proper limits, empowering regular brushing and flossing, and working with your dental specialist will lead to great dental well-being.

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