Motherhood is a full-time job that doesn’t come with a guide, practice, or manual. It is challenging, demanding, and rewarding all at once. Achieving perfection is not the outcome here, but raising happy children. To accomplish this, mothers lose a part of themselves along the way. However, if a mother can practice self-care throughout this journey, this will help her maintain a healthy lifestyle for herself and her family. Otherwise, a family will lose its stability, calm, and peace.
The 9 steps below help every mother practice inner peace:
1- Invest in Yourself:
Investing in yourself is one of the simplest ways to maintain your sense of calm. Attaining a sense of peace is simple, requires nothing concrete, and can be done even when your family is around. Follow these simple steps:
Practicing alone time is essential and can be implemented through simple, easy, and practical activities. Whether it’s a hobby or something that relaxes you, make sure that you implement it regularly to invest in your mental health and peace of mind.
2- Routine:
Routines add structure to our lives and reduce stress levels because when your life is organized, you know what to expect. It’s crucial to implement a routine into your family life, especially routines that contain self-care practices. Pick 2 or 3 self-care activities that you can practice on a daily or weekly basis. Prioritizing your self-care time is an essential step to building a healthy family lifestyle.
3- Planning:
Meeting deadlines at work can be a hassle, especially if you are a work-from-home mom with no support or help. Planning your week or day ahead of time may save you unnecessary wasted time.
4- Be Respectful:
Calm and respect are interrelated, if you are calm, you will be respectful, and if you want to be respectful, you need to be calm. To earn your children’s respect, you need to show respect in return. Age is an unrelated factor when earning respect. Setting a good example for your children will guide them in practicing and earning respect.
5- Be Patient:
Learning how to be patient with your children requires ample amounts of practice. Children tend to test the limits and rules set by parents to understand what they can get away with. Sticking to loving rules and boundaries along with patience will help maintain a healthy bond with your children.
6- Be Positive:
Your brain is constantly monitoring the emotional tone of your thoughts; when you add positive thoughts, your brain will create relaxation and happiness. Positive thinking can reduce your stress level, help you respond to the situation instead of reacting, make you feel better about yourself and the position you are in, and improve your overall well-being.
7- Avoid Setbacks:
Motherhood can cause multiple emotional setbacks due to responsibilities towards children. There are several ways in which a mother can help overcome such setbacks: reading stories, watching family movies, playing, baking, cooking, or simply dancing to a favorite song can all help the mother and the family.
8- Stop Comparing:
Living in an era where everything is recorded and uploaded on social media adds pressure to a mother’s already hectic lifestyle. Many mothers begin comparing their lives to mothers who post bits and pieces of what goes on during their day, which leads to comparison in lifestyles, low self-esteem, hindrance in mental health, and sometimes depression. Keeping in mind that what you see on social media is very far from the actual truth is a healthy reminder that there is more than what meets the eye.
9- Control your Reactions:
Reactions can be negative or positive. Choosing how to go about it will determine the outcome. A mother who reacts negatively towards her children’s behavior might lose proper communication with them, cause trust issues and fear from the parents. On the other hand, having a positive reaction towards children’s behaviors will communicate trust, respect and build a stronger connection. This allows children to feel safe in their environment and know that their parents will always show positivity and acceptance regardless of the problem.
Being a calm mom takes practice. You’re not going to become calm overnight. You will need to practice these tips every day. Over time, you’ll realize that you’re more relaxed than you were before.