The best advice is: don’t go through anything on your own! Breastfeeding specialists spend hours studying, training, undergoing hours of practical and clinical experience with moms and babies, and intensive exams to help you. Each experience is different, each baby is different, and science is more powerful than anything else!
Get in touch as soon as possible if you need help regarding any of the below:
- If you feel frustrated or have questions or doubts, or you simply need some encouragement.
- Your baby isn’t gaining weight & your healthcare provider is encouraging you to supplement using Formula milk.
- Your newborn doesn’t have enough wet and dirty diapers.
- Your baby has trouble attaching/latching.
- You are experiencing pain while breastfeeding (your breasts or nipples hurt/cracked).
- Oversupply (making too much milk).
- Your baby refuses the breast.
- You have concerns about low supply.
- You’re going back to work and need guidance on how you can continue breastfeeding.
- Your baby has unique needs.
- You have twins, triplets, or more.
- You have engorgement /blocked duct /mastitis.
Seek help when needed and remember the golden rules:
- Don’t rely on advice given by anyone who is not a breastfeeding specialist.
- Don’t rely on Google alone - You need evidence-based, up-to-date guidance to succeed.
- Take a prenatal breastfeeding class, call your breastfeeding specialist after birth and have all your questions answered.